Amazons cover


The Amazons
(1910) by Guy Cadogan Rothery (1863-1940) and Religious Cults Associated with the Amazons (1912) by Prof. Florence Mary Bennett (1880–1954) are still two of the very few books ever published on these legendary female warriors. The world of the Amazons lies scattered between legend and historical fact. Greek writings give many details about the geography, history and anthropology of the Amazon nation and the Athenians in particular were most insistent about the historical reality of a nation consisting only of women warriors.


Devil-worship in France

In Devil-Worship in France, Waite attempts to discern what is genuine from what is fake in the evidence of 19th century Satanism. To get the answers he spends a great deal of time investigating the French Masonic echelon, debunking a “conspiracy of falsehood” and determining what should be understood by Satanism and what not.



Lupercalia (derived from lupus: wolf) was the name of a very ancient, pre Roman pastoral, held in the city of Rome, each year, on February 15, to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health, productivity and fertility. The festival was also known as Februa or Februatus and gave its name to the goddess Juno Februa(ta) and the month February.



This book was composed by a Swiss freemason – an insider and historian in 1869 – who was posthumously banned by the Nazis. Yet despite this time span, in our days, it is more nurturing for the critical reader than ever before. Otto Henne am Rhyn takes you on a journey, back to the Mystery cults of ancient Egypt, Babylon and Greece, passes the Essenes, Orphics, Templars, the secret medieval tribunals and stone masons. A must read for everyone who is curious about the facts behind the disinformation-hysteria, or who wants to explore the roots and history of still existing “secret” societies.

Ophiolatreia cover


This book is one of the most substantial and complete books written on this subject. In several voluminous works, Jennings developed the theory that the origin of all religion is to be sought in phallic worship of the Sun and fire, which he properly called “phallism.” Ophiolatreia is just one of its expressions. This collectors item describes the rites and mysteries connected with the origin of ophiolatreia and its rise and development in many parts of the world. The relation between snake worship, raw creation force and sexual energy includes Jennings analyses of Bacchic orgies and rites related to Saturn, Zoroaster, Abaddon, Dionysus and Osiris.

Religion and Lust | investigating the sexual origins of religious feeling

Religion and Lust

In Religion and Lust author James Weir Jr. (1856–1906), investigates the origins of religious feeling, the once world wide spread fertility worship and the physical correlation of religious emotion and sexual desire. A major part of the work is filled with a colourful collection of religious, or semi-religious, sexual rites, once practiced all over the globe, connecting the most “primitive” tribe to the most “civilized” nations. Some of them are really bizarre, like an extremely exhausting Pueblo masturbation-ritual, or the poring of wine over the phallus of a saint in France to make a medicine against barrenness.

Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries | Thomas Taylor - revised edition 2017

The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries

The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries focus on life, death and rebirth in the present, identical with the living nature, which was regarded as the converging of past and future. In this context the mystae, or initiates, learned the aporrheta, or secret meaning of the rites, and were thenceforth denominated ephori, or epoptæ (seers). Sacred orgies were celebrated on every fifth year; and began on the 15th of the month Boëdromian or September.

Vamachara - Benjamin Adamah


Anders dan het Rechter Pad, waartoe alle grote religies behoren, zoekt het Linker Pad (vamachara) geen hemel of transcendentie om aan dualisme te ontsnappen, maar het herstel van de synergie tussen yin en yang, God en Godin, vrouwelijke en mannelijke energieën. Via opwekking van het slangenvuur wordt vervolgens naar cidrupini gestreefd – een opgaan in de vreugde van de natuur en mystieke dans van het leven zelf. Het goddelijke wordt niet verwacht maar geleefd.
