

De Asteroïden-Gids is het eerste grote astrologische naslagwerk ter wereld dat de duidingen in de horoscoop behandelt van 15 categorieën nieuwkomers in de astrologie. Dit maakt verbluffend trefzekere duidingen mogelijk, die ook in psychologische diepgang en tijdgeestactualiteit een revolutie ontketenen.


Centaurs, Damocloids & Scattered Disc Objects

Challenging the astrological status quo, this book discusses the fascinating astrological significance of no less than 85 Centaurs and Centaur related asteroids like Scattered Disc Objects (SDOs) & Detached Objects, Damocloids, retrograde Asteroids and (ex-) Comets. Astronomy positions these unstable objects with their unusual orbits at the forefront of the evolutionary shifts in our Solar System. Analogue with this astronomical status, the astrological newcomers described in this book are vital for a true understanding of out-of-the-box thinking people, as well as complex Zeitgeist-issues and actual mundane phenomena. Download media-kit.


Cubewanos, Haumeids and other TNOs

This book fills in a gap by discussing the astrological meaning of 50 important Trans-Neptunian objects like Albion, Logos, Varda, Praamzius, Chaos, Teharonhiawako, Altjirah, Sila-Nunam, Salacia, Borasisi, Deucalion and Arroboth, Manwë and Haumea.


Personal Horoscope & Astrological Forecast

On the basis of your birth data (date, time, place) a Birth Chart or Personal Horoscope is calculated and interpreted (approx 15-17 pages). In addition an Astrological Forecast for one year ahead is calculated, with over 100 pages of interpretation. This is a strictly personal calender which you can check on a daily base. Language: plain English. Produced with Janus, the #1 professional astro software. Delivered to you by email as PDF-files.

Click here for a sample Birth Chart.
Click here for a sample Astrological Forecast.

Please note: when ordering, enter your DATE of birth (year-month-date format YYYY-MM-DD), TIME of birth (AM/PM) and PLACE of birth in the NOTES box at the checkout page.



Plutinos are asteroids and in some cases dwarf planet candidates, circling around in the inner Kuiper belt, in orbits comparable to the one of Pluto (Pluto-Charon). Astrological research points out that most Plutinos, like their godfather Pluto, exert a compelling force in both personal and mundane horoscopes. They are radical, transforming, confronting, they penetrate the darkness, the blur, or daily life patterns and have a Scorpio-like preference for what you might call soul-mining. They trigger the awareness of slumbering patterns in the depths of our souls and force us to face the truth.


Sechs Achsen Astrologie

Du hast vielleicht schon einmal über dein Tierkreiszeichen gelesen, das durch die Position der Sonne zum Zeitpunkt deiner Geburt bestimmt wird. Was jedoch viele Menschen nicht wissen, ist, dass es einen anderen wichtigen Aspekt zu berücksichtigen gilt. Dein entgegengesetztes Tierkreiszeichen repräsentiert dein unbewusstes Selbst und hat einen signifikanten Einfluss auf dein Leben. Das große Geheimnis lautet: Dieses entgegengesetzte Zeichen möchte Teil deines Spiels sein und kann eine große Hilfe sein! Wenn du jedoch die Qualitäten und Kräfte vernachlässigst, die dieses entgegengesetzte Tierkreiszeichen charakterisieren, werden sie weiterhin gegen dich arbeiten – bis du sie integrierst.


Six Axes Astrology

The zodiac in 6 axes instead of 12 signs or how your opposite sign completes you

You may have read about your zodiac sign, which is determined by the position of the Sun at the time of your birth. However, what many people don’t know is that there is another important aspect to consider. Your opposite zodiac sign represents your unconscious self and has a significant impact on your life. The big secret is: this opposite sign wants to be part of your game and can be of great help! If you neglect the qualities and forces, that typify this opposite zodiac sign, they will keep working against you – until you integrate them.

The Meaning of The 360 zodiacal degrees

The Meaning Of The 360 Zodiacal Degrees

The meaning or symbolism of the 360 zodiacal degrees as given by Charubel, La Volasfera / Sepharial and Isidore Kozminsky in one volume.

Zes Assen Astrologie - Benjamin Adamah - bestel zonder verzendkosten - Complementaire Astrologie

Zes Assen Astrologie

Je sterrenbeeld (lees: je Zonneteken) wordt bepaald door de stand van de Zon op het moment van je geboorte. Wat veel mensen niet weten is dat het teken pal tegenover je Zonneteken je onbewuste ik vertegenwoordigt. Dit tegenoverliggende zodiakteken oefent een zeer belangrijke invloed uit op je leven. Het grote geheim is dat dit tegenovergestelde teken je ik compleet maakt. Het wil deel van je leven uitmaken en kan je daarbij enorm helpen. Het vult je Zonneteken aan en maakt zo je kern compleet en positief. Als je echter dit tegenoverliggende teken verwaarloost, gaat het je tegenwerken als een soort ‘innerlijke saboteur’. Net zo lang totdat je het wel integreert.
